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The European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society Living Labs

Posted: July 24, 2019

The European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society

Living Labs at the European University Cyprus

The European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society (ENTELIS) is a three year project co-funded by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme, (duration 2014-2016). The project brings together nine partners from across the European Union and one partner from the United States:  AIAS Provincia di Bologna Onlus (Italy, Coordinator), AAATE (Europe), EASPD (Europe), EVBB (Europe), SAMK (Finland), EUC (Cyprus), HF Trust Limited (UK), OtW (FYROM), NFVB (Ireland), IMPT (USA – Third Country Partner). The aim of the project is to address the issue of the digital divide with respect to difficulties experienced by people with disabilities of all ages in engaging with ICT. The first two years of the project have been completed with successful outcomes in the development of the state-of-the-art report and The Manifesto against the Digital Divide. During the third three Living Labs in three partner-countries are organised aiming at developing a foresight study for the reduction of the digital divide. 

On February 22nd 2016 the first meeting of the Living Lab in Cyprus was organised at the European University Cyprus, in Nicosia. It employed a hybrid model (on site and virtual meetings) of Structured Dialogic Design. Ten stakeholders participated in the living labs including people with disabilities, service/product providers, academics, and educators.   The second face-to-face meeting is scheduled for mid-April while participants continue their dialogue on-line.

Text Box: Read the ENTELIS Manifesto, Endorse it, disseminate it, and take action! Additional information about ENTELIS can be found on the project’s website


Note: The European Commission support for this project and publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.